The latest promo of Bigg Boss 18 brings discussions as things heat up in the house during the family week episode. Kashish Kapoor’s mother entered the house with lots of drama and raged at Avinash Mishra for had an argument with Kashish recently. In the promo, Kashish’s mum complains to Avinash about how he treated her daughter during a fight saying that he has no manners to talk to girls in that manner only on National TV.
Turning to Avinash, she says ‘You’re saying all this to a girl on national television.’ You should have had more understanding: I should have had better control of myself. She continued explaining some measure of imbalance in gender, stating, “No one speaks to a boy, but everything is spoken to the girl”. The boy should not have spoken to her like that, what was on national television.
The housemates’ response to her remarks ranged from positive reception to the negative kind. As Kashish continued to try to appear emotional, Avinash said nothing, and perhaps for good reason, he sat frozen. Eisha Singh, who has always been associated with Avinash in the show, looked very uncomfortable but decided not to meddle.
The promo also features Kashish’s mom politely telling her daugher not to be influenced by negative comments like that. When Kashish told her how the women in the house were exploited she encouraged her to stand tall and know her value as a woman. People who watch Bigg Boss 18 have made various comments on the online platforms over the issue. Two have stood for Kashish’s mother for defending her daughter while some think that her action may have been exaggerated because that is the nature of the show.
When the family week comes into the house, more dramatic situation between Avinash and Kashish emerge. Considering deranged live emotions in the show, fans are keen to know how this fight would further intensify the bonds between Bigg Boss house participants.
Also Read: Bigg Boss 18: Chaahat Pandey’s Mother Believes Makers Favor Eisha Singh
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