As of December 26, 2024, at 10:As on 00 AM IST on Wednesday, The Tata Power Ltd. is trading in NSE at an amount which is very close to the previous closing level, though it is slightly lower than the previous record, the share amount is ₹398.50. It has touched an all time high and low of ₹319.60 and ₹494.85 respectively in last one year. For the latest quarter Tata Power announced its net profit after tax at ₹858 crore. Research firm have a target price of ₹443.55 on Tata Power Company for the next one year which is a mean of a range of ₹270.00 and ₹583.00. Share prices are always subject to fluctuation and can rise or fall quickly. For the contemporary and accurate information it is recommended to turn to real-time financial websites or brokerage services.
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